Winter on a bike… made EASIER

Summer in so glorious in the lightweight clothes we wear, the feeling of sweet summer air on our skin and the carefree rides late into the night.

Winter’s a different story. And instead of complaining about the weather, we may as well just gear up and go for the ride.

Here are some tricks for making winter gear much easier.

Invest in Quality Gear

Try what you currently have, but when it’s time to buy new gear, invest in well made gear that will last over time. You’ll save money in the long run, and you’ll have a much more pleasant ride. With a wealth of local manufacturers in Oregon, you’ll also know you’re supporting quality businesses that care about their employees and are keeping jobs in Oregon.

Care For Your Gear

Most gear doesn’t need to be washed with regularity, and in come cases over-washing can damage the fabric. Read the label carefully and follow the instructions.

Letting your gear fully air out and dry out prevents some of that funky winter stink from forming and will your gear last longer.

Avoid using the dryer for your gear as much as you can. In some cases it will outright damage the fabric, and in all cases it will slowly degrade the performance fabric. Plus, a dryer uses about 40% of the energy in a typical home, so reducing your use can increase your electricity bill savings rather easily.

Give it a Home

When you come home, where does your gear go? How about somewhere where it can dry out nicely. And hey! What if that’s also an easy spot for getting geared up in the morning? Make gear grabbing easy and you’re much more likely to ride. We suggest a drying rack with a towel under it, or, if you’re fortunate, a spot in your garage right next to your bike.

Boot Dryers

If you’re a regular commuter, your gloves and shoes very well may not try out over night. Boot dryers with enough space for both shoes and gloves are a great way to gently dry out your gear over night. Bonus: Configure your gear set up so the rest of your gear hangs well above the boot dryer and benefits from the residual heat that wafts upwards.

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